Wednesday, July 29, 2009

FRESH FREQUENCY 09' will be held on the 16th of August 2009 from 8pm at MMU MELAKA main hall!! Lots of band will be performing that come and join us for a night filled with great performances:) We're also looking for fresh new bands soo come and audition for a chance to perform live onstage at the fresh frequency 09'!

for enquiries on FRESH FREQUENCY 09' contact -

-0129349362 (ayna)
-0123106519 (khairi)


This is an audition held by MMUSIC SOCIETY to discover fresh talent among MMU students! show us what u've got..s0o get your band all geared up and ready to rock! get the chance to perform at the FRESH FREQUENCY 09' event coming to you this August:)

Date:10th August 2009 (Monday)
Venue: Fayralta Studio MITC Melaka

Interested or Need more Info? contact Wan@0126422544

*a fee of RM10 will be imposedXD

*open to all mmu students.

*register first.